What To Work On

Oct 03, 2019
I had a junior high school teacher whose favorite word was "succinct." He liked to use the word, and he liked what it stood for. And since this was the cool white-haired social studies teacher who wore Levis to class and took us outside one afternoon to show us his whitewater kayak and all the excellent waterproof gear stashed inside, I came to think this was a cool word too.

Which is why I wish this third video in my current lesson series was little shorter, but it's not. Having spent the last couple of lessons discussing how to coordinate your thumb and fingers, and how to find and connect dominant 7th voicings up the neck, I wanted to spend some time on a question I get more often than almost anything else:
"What should I work on, and how should I work on it?"

My short answer is usually to answer the question with another question:

"What do you want to be able to do?"

My longer, less succinct answer is in my latest lesson, "What To Work On," and you can find it at the link below:

What To Work On

Check it out, and let me know what you're working on in the comments below the video.

More soon,
